Have you ever been stuck for ideas when going into an individual training session? Well in this post you will learn the ins and outs of designing a training session to get the most out of your session and train like the pro's
Start by having a plan!
Think to yourself, what do I want to work on today? Be as specific as possible. For example "I am a forward and I want to work on finishing inside of the 18"
Now that you have an idea of what you want to train, we can now start to add layers into the session. First and foremost think of what qualities may be required to finish inside of the 18. For example "Striking with all different parts of your foot, finishing with both feet, first touch to set up the strike, escape move to crate space for a strike"
Now we add a structure into our session
Phase 1 - The warm up (10-15 minutes)
Start with a dynamic warm up. Get your body ready for training
Phase 2 - The technical warm up (10 minutes)
Now we can get a ball involved and add in a technical element to training. We are easing into the session so think back to the sub qualities revolved around finishing inside the 18. So in the portion we can do some sort of ball mastery to not only get more comfortable on the ball but also add in the element of escaping.
Phase 3 - The lead in work (15-20 minutes)
Now that we are ready for training we can ramp up the intensity. In this portion we are going to highlight the main focus of the session which in this case lets use finishing inside of the 18. For the next 15-20 minutes all we are going to do is focus on striking the ball with all different parts of our feet from all different angles. For example, you can set up 6-8 different locations inside the 18 and work on finishing with your laces, instep, outside of the foot, etc. Make sure we train both feet equally!! The most important part of this portion is keying in on the technique and treating every rep like it is your last. No need to do 20 reps at 50%, you are better off doing 6-8 reps with 100% intensity and focus.
Phase 4 - Match related activity (30 minutes)
Now lets put it all together. In this portion of training, think about what your focus is and how it would look in a match. So for the example we have been using, lets take finishing inside of the 18. In a match these situations can occur in a split second and be unpredictable. So how can we replicate that in our training session. We want this to look as much like the game as possible. When training alone this can be difficult. The only way to replicate a match as best as we can is to train with intensity. For finishing inside of the 18 this may look like the following "Kick a ball into the air, settle it quickly out of the air, with your next touch quickly move into space, and finish" In this example we may need to move to receive the ball, trap it with a different art of our body, adjust to your touch, and finish all different ways depending on that touch. But done at 100% intensity this is all adding in game realism.
Now your ready to start planning your own sessions!
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